An order cannot be modified after it's placed. If you need to modify your order, please cancel the current order first and place a new one.
Please make a cancellation by clicking on "Request Cancel" button on "Order History".
Please note the cancellation for some products may not be accepted once you order.
The order also cannot be canceled if the vendor has already shipped your order.
After the order has been shipped by the vendor (when the status in the order history shows ”Preparing for Export” and ”Shipped on”,) it is not possible to cancel the order for any reason. To check the current shipping status, please refer to your "Order History" page.
Furthermore, if all items with the coupon applied are canceled or sold out, the coupon will be reissued.
*There may be a delay in reissuance.
*It will not be reissued if the coupon has expired by the time of reissuance.
If the vendor does not complete the shipment process after one year from the order date, we will automatically cancel the order.